Our Lenten journey and pilgrimage are over. Our fasting is complete; now we can feast and celebrate. We have travelled with Jesus from the harshness of the desert to the new life coming from the empty tomb. Having walked with Jesus as we carried our cross, we now share in and experience the joy and power of his resurrection. When we look at the news on our televisions or read it our newspapers we are all very well aware of all the hardship and pain that exists in our world today. There are painful scenes of war, famine and terrorism. How are we meant to celebrate Easter in such difficult circumstances?

Even at the time of Jesus there was inequality, injustice, and poverty. He would have seen it, experience it and been very familiar with it. But it is into that world that he came with the good news of the Kingdom of God. It is into our world today that Jesus comes with the same good news. It is in and through our world today that we experience and share in his resurrection.

Source: Excerpted from the Gospel reflection courtesy of The Oblates available at

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