Altar Setters
Altar setters prepare the altar for the celebration of Mass. After mass, they put everything away. Altar setters are trained and rostered for the masses they usually attend.
Contact: Parish Office
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy. School and college going children volunteer and are trained to serve at Mass. They are rostered to serve at masses their families usually attend.
Contact: Sujeev Rajan
Choirs support and enhance the congregation in singing worship songs. Parishioners can offer to sing, play instruments, or be a helper to set up and put things away. One must be prepared to attend weekly choir practices.
Contact: Michael Dennis; Fons Wytkamp, Praveen, Edith Galang
Helpers lay out the cups and biscuits prior to the Sunday 10 am Mass. Tea, coffee, juice and biscuits are served after Mass. There are usually 2-3 rostered per Sunday.
Contact: Bernadette Pascoe, Mary McKiterick
Counting the weekend Mass offerings. There is hands-on training. Two or three are rostered each time.
Contact: Barry Dempsey
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers
Ministers help to distribute the Sacred Body and Blood at Holy Communion. Ministers are trained and rostered for the Masses they usually attend. A minister can also offer one's service to take Holy Communion to the sick and house bound.
Contact: Parish Office
Mass Offering Collectors
Collectors assist with the collection bag to collect the congregations offerings at Masses. There are usually two collections at each Mass and 3/4 collectors to do the job. Occasionally there is a special collection as well.
Contact: Parish Office
Powerpoint Operators
Operators assist with the powerpoint presentations at weekend and special Masses. Persons are rostered for the Mass they usually attend.
Contact: Danny Lim
Proclaimers of the Word
Proclaimers serve the community by proclaiming the Word of God at weekend and weekday Masses. Proclaimers are rostered for the masses they usually attend.
Contact: Yvonne Fenech