Altar linen have to be washed and ironed regularly. Volunteers bring the linen home and returned them after washing and ironing.

Contact: Bernadette Pascoe


Volunteers decorate the church and arrange the flowers every weekend and during festive periods such as Easter and Christmas.

Contact: Veronika Measki


Volunteers help maintain the parish garden - weeding, pruning, planting new plants, etc.

Contact: Veronika Measki

Lawn Mowing

The parish lawns are mowed on a regular basis, usually every fortnight. Lawn mowers are provided. Two persons are rostered each time.

Contact: Parish Office


Volunteers lend a helping hand to maintain the church premises, both inside and outside.

Contact: Parish Office

Parish Office Assistance

Volunteers prepare the weekday mass texts, weekend readings, Prayers of the Faithful. They also provide periodic assistance to the office secretary in photocopying, folding, stapling, posting letters and manning the office.

Contact: Parish Office

Parish Website

Volunteers lend a hand to create and maintain the church website on a weekly basis.

Contacts: Danny Lim, Abel Sujeev

Working Bee

It is a great opportunity for an experience of parish community. Parishioners get together to perform a wide range of maintenance jobs both indoors and outdoors. It is usually held twice a year in preparation for Easter and Christmas, on a Saturday, from 9am to 12pm. Tea and refreshments are provided. Dates will published in parish newsletter.

Contact: Veronika Measki