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The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - B, 31st December 2023

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - B, 31st December 2023

The Gospel for today presents the head of the Holy Family, Joseph, faithfully obeying God’s law given through Moses concerning the purification of the mother and the redeeming of the child by presenting Mary and the Baby Jesus in the Temple.…

Fourth Sunday of Advent - B, 24th December 2023

Fourth Sunday of Advent - B, 24th December 2023

King David wanted to build a fine temple in which God would dwell among the people. But God did not choose a building made of stones and mortar for a dwelling place but the womb of the virgin Mary.…

Third Sunday of Advent - B, 17th December 2023

Third Sunday of Advent - B, 17th December 2023

The readings on this Gaudete (Rejoice!) Sunday are full of encouragement, resonating with joyful hope as we draw closer to the birthday of Jesus: God’s Son coming to live among us.…

Christ the King - A, 26th November 2023

Christ the King - A, 26th November 2023

The scripture texts of this solemnity, on the last Sunday of the Church year, sum up what we have been reading, listening to, and pondering all year. We have watched as Jesus…

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - A, 10th September 2023

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - A, 10th September 2023

The theme of listening runs through today’s readings. We are to listen to the word of God, to our hearts, to one another, and to our community. We are challenged truly to love one another, speaking out where necessary…