The readings in this final week of Ordinary Time Year A remind us again of the need to be always prepared for the coming of Christ by the way we live our lives. In the First Reading, the writer extols the virtues of the perfect wife. Although using language which reflects the practice and culture of biblical times, the passage speaks powerfully of the value and dignity of manual work, the importance of charity, and respect for all, whatever their role in life.

St Paul reminds us in the Second Reading that if we live our lives in the light of Christ, we have no need to fear the coming of the reign of God. In the Gospel, Jesus uses the parable of the talents to show the importance of making best use of what we have been given for the benefit of others.

This week, we might pray for those who struggle to realise where their own talents lie, and those who lack the opportunity to be recognised, valued and celebrated. We also continue to pray for peace across the world.

Source: Excerpted from the Scripture reflection courtesy of St Beuno’s Outreach in the Diocese of Wrexham, UK available at www.australiancatholics.com.au