Running throughout the readings this Sunday are themes of longing, seeking, and purposeful attentiveness. We are encouraged to remain alert to the presence of the Lord, who comes to us in every moment, and to be ready to welcome his second coming.

The First Reading describes how the spirit of Wisdom is eager to enter into our lives. She is always close by, sitting at our gates, waiting for us to greet her, so that she may richly bless our lives. Today’s Psalm is a joyful prayer of desire for the Lord. The love of the Lord is better than life itself, and those who seek the Lord will be filled forever, as with a banquet. In the Second Reading, the Christian community is reassured that our hope in the resurrection is not in vain. The longing and desire that we feel for God will be fulfilled both in life and in death.

In the Gospel, Jesus uses a cautionary yet humorous parable to stress the importance of remaining prepared and hopeful for the coming of the Lord into our lives. We are all invited to the banquet of the Lord, and yet we can become complacent about the abundant richness that our faith can bring. God is here with us now, but sometimes we may not be ready or do not have the light to see his presence amongst us.

Source: Excerpted from the Scripture reflection courtesy of St Beuno’s Outreach in the Diocese of Wrexham, UK available at www.australiancatholics.com.au

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