The scripture texts of this solemnity, on the last Sunday of the Church year, sum up what we have been reading, listening to, and pondering all year. We have watched as Jesus taught, healed, freed, consoled, and reached out to all. From birth to death, and in his glorified life, he was the visible presence of the Father’s kingdom of love on earth.

The Second Reading gives us a picture of Christ’s kingship. St Paul reassures the church at Corinth that, despite the direst of circumstances, all earthly rule and authority will give way to Christ. When God’s enemies, including sin and death, are destroyed, then all will be alive in God. How we need such a message in today’s world. The Psalm tells us that God, Shepherd and King, has such authority that we can safely feast, even within sight of our enemies. With him, we shall never be in want.

The First Reading, from the prophet Ezekiel, also contains the theme of shepherd. Though judge, the shepherd is one who serves. Jesus picks up this theme in the Gospel, but now he is found not only in the one who serves the poor, but also in the poor themselves. Both readings reveal a divine bias, if we can say such a thing – against those who would exploit, and for those who are exploited.

Source: Excerpted from the Scripture reflection courtesy of St Beuno’s Outreach in the Diocese of Wrexham, UK available at www.australiancatholics.com.au.

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