In our readings for this Sunday, we hear how easy it is for human pride and laxity to diminish or even falsify God’s message. Instead, let us follow the invitation to honour God in humility, sincerity and truth. In the First Reading, the prophet Malachi does not mince his words. His message is hard-hitting: the priests are reproached for their spiritual negligence and failure to instruct the people properly, as well as for their half-hearted service of God.

Religious leaders are also criticised in the Gospel. Jesus castigates their hypocrisy: they are more concerned with drawing attention to themselves and exploiting their social position, rather than committing themselves to the message they preach. This type of self-aggrandisement and pride is the exact opposite of what the followers of Jesus should aspire to. Jesus himself is our role model: he teaches us that the route to leadership is through service of God in all things. In contrast, the Second Reading presents Paul as a truly devoted pastor: enthusiastic, hard-working, full of love for his people; endlessly sharing the living word of God with this community. To follow Christ is to serve him humbly; and humility.

Source: Excerpted from the Scripture reflection courtesy of St Beuno’s Outreach in the Diocese of Wrexham, UK available at www.australiancatholics.com.au