Today’s readings show how God’s spirit works in unexpected ways. Anyone can be chosen to share God’s message, even those who do not follow the way of Jesus. We are all called to live justly and work together.

In the First Reading, just as the Lord shared the spirit that was on Moses with the 70 elders in the tent, his spirit also rested on two who were not present. Joshua objected to these two men prophesying, but Moses declared that anyone speaking the word of the Lord should be allowed to do so. We see a parallel to this in the Gospel. Jesus rebukes John for being concerned about someone outside their group casting out demons in Jesus’ name. But Jesus teaches his disciples to be open and inclusive, instructing them not to hinder anyone doing good. They, too, are part of his mission. Jesus uses strong metaphors to emphasise the importance of avoiding sin. James in the Second Reading, warns about misuse of wealth and exploitation of workers. Helping those in need is a key part of living our faith. The Psalm sings of the gift of God’s law. The law of love revives the soul, gives wisdom and creates joy in the heart. In seeking God’s closeness, and with the law as our guide, we will truly live.

Source: Excerpted from the Scripture reflection courtesy of St Beuno’s Outreach in the Diocese of Wrexham, available at www.australiancatholics.com.au. Image from Liturgy Help.

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