The readings for this Sunday tell us of the nourishment that comes from heaven and of our need to draw everlasting life from our relationship with Jesus – as well as pursuing wise and Spirit-filled paths in life. The First Reading makes explicit the value of Wisdom, depicted as a woman seeking and inviting everyone to come and be nourished at her table of learning.

St Paul in the Second Reading encourages the early Christians to live with awareness and intelligence, and not to be thoughtless. He advises them to discern and recognise the will of the Lord in their own times, and to live lives filled with the Holy Spirit. This message continues to be relevant to us in the present.

In the Gospel, Jesus invites those around him to believe in him; to be in communion with him; to live in him and draw life from him, just as he himself draws life from the living Father. Let us pray for each other throughout this week, that we may seek the nourishment of a life-giving relationship with God, with one another, and with the planet we share.

Source: Excerpted from the Scripture reflection courtesy of St Beuno’s Outreach in the Diocese of Wrexham, available at Image from Liturgy Help.