On this Good Shepherd Sunday, Jesus speaks of himself as a Good Shepherd. In today’s Gospel, Jesus is comparing and contrasting himself with those religious leaders who lack any real commitment or sense of responsibility to the ones in their care. The sheep do not recognise such leaders, but they do know, and are ready to follow, the Good Shepherd who alone enters by the gate. Jesus is warning his listeners to be discerning about those they listen to and those they follow.

Today is also known as Vocations Sunday. So perhaps this week, you could ponder the following questions: On what am I spending my energies? Who do I listen to and follow? How am I giving witness to my faith? What contribution am I making to the building up of truth, love, justice and tolerance? How, and from where, do I hear the Good Shepherd in my daily life?

Let’s pray for the grace to trust the gift of the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us, that we might have faith in the One who has called and is calling us. Amen.

Source: Scripture reflection prepared for St Beuono's Outreach, Diocese of Wrexham UK available at www.australiancatholics.com.au