As we take another step into Advent, the First and Second readings introduces one of the main themes of this period of the year: Peace and hope. The Psalm, too, speaks of this hope for peace and justice for all.
In this week’s Gospel, John the Baptist appears by the River Jordan to entreat people to repent and prepare a way for the one who is to come. He tells them that being a son or daughter of Abraham will not be enough to be sure of being saved. There is no room for complacency. People are to repent; to change their way of life.
Mindful of this week’s readings, we can perhaps look around us and, by word or deed, encourage people to set out on their journey to meet Jesus at Christmas. We continue to pray for all those who live in countries where there is no peace.
Source: Scripture reflection and image prepared for St Beuono's Outreach, Diocese of Wrexham UK available at