Today’s readings weave around themes of wisdom, treasure and joy. When asked in a dream what he desires from God, Solomon chooses…
Parish Newsletters
Today’s readings weave around themes of wisdom, treasure and joy. When asked in a dream what he desires from God, Solomon chooses…
God’s mercy and compassion are the themes running through today’s readings…
The word of God is proclaimed throughout the whole of creation. All of the readings in the liturgy this Sunday are filled with images drawn from nature…
Praise to God and joy in God’s merciful love, justice and peace are themes which run through the readings for this Sunday…
The readings this week focus on hospitality and welcome, as well as the rewards we receive when we welcome others ourselves…
Because we live in anxious, troubling times, where so many people around the world are suffering intolerably, today’s readings can speak especially to us…
This week’s liturgy reminds us of who we are, whose we are, what has been done for us, and then, how we might feel drawn to respond…
Today’s feast is an opportunity to reflect on the wonderful mystery of the Eucharist: the sacrament that nourishes our faith and gives life to the world. Each reading offers…
Today we celebrate the mystery of the Trinity: one God in three persons. God the Father is the Lover, the Beloved Son is the Saviour, and the Love which flows between them is the Holy Spirit. Our readings help us see who God is…
‘Peace be with you!’ With these words the Risen Lord stood among his fear-filled followers. He breathed the Holy Spirit upon them…
Forty days after the Resurrection, Jesus ascends to heaven. He ascends triumphant to sit at the Father’s right hand. For the disciples, their time…
Eastertide is nearly at an end. There is a sense that an important event is about to happen. As the readings this week seek to reassure us, we will not be left…
In every age there are people who claim to know the way to a full and happy life. Often their ideas flourish for a while and then fade. But there is one way to the fullness of life that has stood the test of time…
On this Good Shepherd Sunday, Jesus speaks of himself as a Good Shepherd. In today’s Gospel, Jesus is comparing and contrasting himself with those religious leaders who lack any real commitment or sense of responsibility to the ones in their care.…
The readings for this week are full of reminders of what Jesus’s resurrection has brought for us. Joy, Glory, Praise, Hope and Faith are all woven through…
Today, with Thomas, we hail Christ as our Lord and God. We, too, ask to be filled with the joy and peace of the disciples in seeing the risen Lord. The First Reading tells how effectively the lives of the first Christians are encouraged and transformed by their Spirit-filled faith. Their devout, generous sense of community is an inspiration to all who meet them.
Today’s Psalm invited all Christians to gives thanks and praise to the Lord. In the Second Reading, Peter, who was an eye-witness to the events of Easter praises and encourages the faith of the new converts, even though they have never seen Jesus. Although they are persecuted and plagued by trials because of their new-found faith in Christ, they still love him deeply and are filled with a glorious joy.
The Gospel recounts the events of the first Sunday after Easter Day. Thomas is absent when the risen Lord appears to the other frightened disciples, offering them the resurrection gift of the Spirit of peace. But a week later, Jesus seeks out the doubting Thomas personally: an encounter that enables Thomas to proclaim Jesus as ‘My Lord and my God!’.
This week, we pray for a deepening personal relationship with the risen Lord that can change our lives … and for an openness that inspires us to take our active, living faith into our suffering world.
When Jesus’ disciples went to his burial place, they found an empty tomb. Through the message the angel gave to them at the tomb, and through Jesus’ appearances to various disciples, God revealed that Christ…
As we begin Holy Week, our readings take us from the joy and Hosannas of Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem to a profound contemplation of…
Today’s readings are a reminder of how God wishes to release us from all that holds us back from him, whether it be sin, despair or the grave itself. God desires to carry us from the emptiness of death, in all its forms, to…
Today we are reminded of the joy of the presence of Jesus, the light of our world, and of the love of God shining through our lives…