Today we are reminded of the joy of the presence of Jesus, the light of our world, and of the love of God shining through our lives.

Both the First Reading and the Psalm speak of the shepherd caring for the flock. Despite David’s youth and outward appearance, the Lord sees the strength of his heart, which will enable him to lead God’s people. The Psalm speaks of the certainty that I can rely on the Lord as my shepherd, keeping me safe from harm whatever happens in my life.

In the Second Reading, St Paul reminds the Ephesians and us that God’s light in us shines out for others when we live in goodness and right living and truth. In the Gospel, the blind man’s sight is restored and he comes into the light. Not only is he physically able to see for the first time, but he also recognises Jesus as the Son of Man. In contrast, those around him remain in the darkness of un-belief, trapped by their unwillingness to see Jesus as he really is.

This week, we pray for those who have yet to allow the light of Christ into their lives. We pray that we will carry Christ’s light to others as we walk beside them, sharing their hardships and sorrows.

Source: Scripture reflection prepared for St Beuono's Outreach, Diocese of Wrexham UK available at www.australiancatholics.com.au