Today we celebrate the great day of Pentecost, when Christ filled the Church with the power of his Spirit and sent his followers out into the world to bring…
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Today we celebrate the great day of Pentecost, when Christ filled the Church with the power of his Spirit and sent his followers out into the world to bring…
Throughout the Eastertide readings, we have watched the disciples grow and mature in faith. The First Reading from the Acts of the Apostles marks the end of Jesus’s earthly ministry as he returns to…
Today’s readings centre on the theme of love: the totally faithful, unconditional love of God for us. The First Reading describes a turning point in…
We are deeply rooted in the love of Christ. The risen Christ is the source of all that we need to grow ever closer to God…
We continue our journey through Eastertide, experiencing the joy of the Risen Lord…
The common theme of today’s readings is the challenge to adjust our lives to the living presence of the risen Lord…
According to the ways of the world, mercy does not really make sense, but this is the very faith Paul in the Second Reading speaks of as that which ‘conquers the world’: forgiveness begets forgiveness, mercy begets mercy, love begets love.…
Our Lenten journey and pilgrimage are over. Our fasting is complete; now we can feast and celebrate. We have travelled with Jesus from…
Today marks the end of Lent and the beginning of Holy Week. The readings focus on Jesus’s sacrifice for us and express confidence in God’s faithfulness…
This Sunday’s readings encourage us to turn towards growth and transformation out of pain and suffering. The prophet Jeremiah in the First Reading makes a great proclamation…
This fourth Sunday of Lent is traditionally known as ‘Laetare (Rejoice!) Sunday’, and our readings today suggest many reasons for rejoicing. The First Reading from Chronicles describes the destruction of Jerusalem and the days of exile. But God, working through the Persian king, Cyrus, not only brings the Jewish people home to where they belong but also helps them rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem…
As we enter this third week of Lent, our readings remind us of God’s love for us, soon to be witnessed in the suffering and death of Christ Jesus…
Trust in the Lord is the theme that links all this week’s readings. As we continue our Lenten journey, we are reminded of the extent of the Lord’s…
We began our Lenten journey on Ash Wednesday. This first Sunday of Lent now leads us immediately into Jesus’s own journey into the desert…
The theme of today’s readings is God’s loving compassion and healing. We, too, are called to be loving, as well as…
This Sunday, the readings invite us to look more deeply into the experience of human suffering. It is only through Christ that our…
The readings this week reflect the Psalm response: O that today you would listen to his voice! Harden not your heart. This was the response of the Israelites when they grumbled at…
In the First Reading, Jonah takes the word of God to the people in Nineveh. They hear it, are inspired to change their evil ways, and God shows them his mercy. God’s love and forgiveness are at the heart of the Psalm, as we pray…
Today’s readings conclude the feast of Christmas and begin the new season of Ordinary Time. In the First Reading we hear the Lord’s dramatic call of Samuel, and how Samuel fails to hear and discern it properly at first. The young Samuel might well have grown up praying with words like those in today’s Psalm…
Today’s feast is telling us that for God there are no foreigners, no outsiders. From his point of view, all are equally beloved children. We all, whatever external physical or cultural differences there may be between us,.…