‘The Son of Man must be lifted up as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him’
This fourth Sunday of Lent is traditionally known as ‘Laetare (Rejoice!) Sunday’, and our readings today suggest many reasons for rejoicing. The First Reading from Chronicles describes the destruction of Jerusalem and the days of exile. But God, working through the Persian king, Cyrus, not only brings the Jewish people home to where they belong but also helps them rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.
St Paul in the Second Reading writes that God, whose nature is Universal Love, brought us back to life in and with Christ Jesus through the gift of his infinite grace. Our good works and our lives lived in all their fullness are a grateful and authentic response to all we have been given by God.
The Gospel tells us that the resurrection of Christ Jesus, who was ‘lifted up and exalted’ on the cross, brings salvation to all who believe in him and in his teachings. Christ’s Passion, for all its injustice and brutality, is a glorious revelation of God’s love for all of humankind, and the source of our healing. Jesus calls us to live by his truth and light, where we can dwell in the flow of God’s energy and love.
Source: Excerpted from the Scripture reflection courtesy of St Beuno’s Outreach in the Diocese of Wrexham, UK available at www.australiancatholics.com.au