As we move towards the end of the liturgical year, the readings invite us to think about endings: not in a fearful way, but with an invitation to…
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As we move towards the end of the liturgical year, the readings invite us to think about endings: not in a fearful way, but with an invitation to…
The readings for this Sunday once again celebrate God’s boundless love for each and every one of us. No matter how far we…
Honesty and humility seem to go hand in hand, and our readings this week show how essential these attitudes are to our prayer. In our First Reading we learn…
This week’s readings focus on the need for prayer and trust in the Lord, even when we feel...
The scripture readings this week highlight the importance of gratitude. It is shown to be that perfect response to
This Sunday’s readings invite us to think in terms of trust and faithfulness. They remind us to be patient…
Our faith in the Lord calls us to act with justice and integrity at all times. The readings this Sunday present a stark call to wake up from complacency and comfort, so that we may focus our lives on the Lord and respond with compassion and love to the needs of the poor.....
Today’s readings remind us that we are God’s stewards, and that God expects faithful and prudent stewardship from us.....
The readings for this Sunday celebrate the boundless mercy God offers to us, regardless of our sins, and the joy that comes from repentance......
Today’s readings challenge us to the true Christian discipleship of total commitment to the will of God, putting God first in our lives.....
The readings for this Sunday speak of humility, and help us think about the order of things in the kingdom of God.....
This Sunday’s scripture bears testimony to the universal outreach of the Lord. Our God is one who desires to gather all people, from far and wide – north, south, east and west – and from lands that have never heard of the Lord.....
Today’s readings help raise our morale in the fight against evil. Jesus Christ, who came to bring fire on earth, gives us courage and hope to persevere in challenging times.....
Today’s readings remind us that God has chosen us all as his own. They also highlight the importance of our humble faith and trust in God, who calls us to ‘joyfully take courage’ in the world....
Today’s readings are about material things and our attitude towards them. Are they at the centre of our lives? The texts also suggest that what we are is more important than what we have.....
The readings for this Sunday remind us again of the boundless love God offers to those who believe. Our faith in God will be rewarded more than we can imagine, if we but ask in prayer....
This Sunday’s readings lead us to ponder the gift of hospitality; the giving and receiving we experience. May we learn to welcome our Lord who wishes to dwell with us....
Today’s readings celebrate the nearness of the Lord to us. Created through God and for God, we are drawn ever closer by peace and reconciliation. Not only that. We are also called to become like the Lord in our service to all......
We are called and sent to bring the deep peace of the kingdom of God into the world.....
The last two precious gifts given to us by Jesus are the Holy Eucharist as our spiritual food on Holy Thursday and Jesus’ mother Mary as our spiritual Mother on Good Friday….