Reflection by Dianne Bergant CSA
The willingness to give all that one has is the central theme of today's readings. They offer us three models.
Jesus is the ultimate example of heroic generosity. He first offered himself as expiation for our sin. Now, as the eternal high priest, he stands before God as our mediator, pleading on our behalf, bringing salvation to those who eagerly await him.
It is interesting to note that the other two models of selfless giving are widows, individuals who are doubly disadvantaged by the patriarchal societies of which they are members. Their generosity is religiously inspired, and it comes from women who had the least material possessions to give. This kind of giving requires that we reach deep into ourselves and almost strip ourselves of our hold on life, and that we do this for religious reasons. The giving that is pictured in today's readings is nothing less than heroic generosity.
God will not be outdone in generosity. Sometimes we become the beneficiaries of obvious blessing, as was the case in the story of the woman of Zarephath who was granted a year's supply of floor and oil. At other times, we simply continue living life as usual, like the woman in the temple who was unaware of the commendation that Jesus had given her. The truly generous do not look for reward. They carry out their responsibilities and place the rest in God's hands.
Source: © Dianne Bergant CSA, available at