Our Sunday readings this week reiterate the need to listen to God’s voice in all the circumstances of our lives, especially in times of trial. Thereby we might become artisans of peace in our world. In the First Reading, God appears to a despondent Elijah in the voice of a gentle breeze, and the prophet gains courage to face his mission. The Psalm could be Elijah's prayer: the psalmist is eager to hear what the Lord has to say.

In the Gospel, the disciples are also disheartened, and slow to recognize the Lord in the midst of the storm. They worship him as he reaches out to save them. St Paul, writing to the Romans in the Second Reading, is saddened that the Jewish people have not recognized Jesus. He is willing to put his own salvation on the line to help his people.

May we remind ourselves this week that Christ, our peace, is always with us, and with our world, amid the storms and difficulties of our lives.

Source: Excerpted from the Scripture reflection courtesy of St Beuno’s Outreach in the Diocese of Wrexham, UK available at www.australiancatholics.com.au